
What are bamboo’s effects on the environment?

What are bamboo’s effects on the environment?

Here at Ultimate Underwear Club we care about the environment. This is the reason we have chosen bamboo as our main material for our range.

In this article, I’m going to explain what bamboo is and why bamboo is a far superior material when it's compared to other typical materials on the market.

What is bamboo?
Bamboo is an incredibly fast-growing tree like grass. It needs very little effort to maintain and farm, and it doesn’t need any herbicides, pesticides, or fertilizers. It doesn’t even need much water for that matter!

Why is it superior to other materials?

Here are my top 10 reasons why.

  1. Bamboo is included in some of the fastest growing plants in the world. Several species of bamboo can grow 91 centimetres (36 inches) in 24 hours which is equivalent to 1mm every 90 seconds. This rapid growth produces high yields in short amounts of time.
  1. Bamboo forests are very dense. Compared to cotton, the same amount of material can be produced on 10% of the land.
  1. Bamboo forests pull large quantities of CO2 from the air, 12 tonnes of CO2 per hectare to be exact! This is a by-product of how fast bamboo grows. The faster a plant grows the more carbon dioxide will be used. Since bamboo forests are so dense, they produce 35% more oxygen per hectare than other hardwood trees.
  1. It doesn’t need any pesticides, herbicides, or fertilizers to grow. Which keeps the nasty chemicals out of the environment!

  1. It needs significantly less machinery to produce when compared to cotton and other fabrics.
  1. Compared to cotton, bamboo requires a lot less water to grow
  1. When harvesting cotton, they need to kill the plant. This high turnover of cotton plants can lead to soil erosion. In the case of harvesting bamboo, it needs to be cut and then it grows back! Simple!
    Dead Cotton Plant
  1. Speaking of soil erosion, bamboo can grow in harsh soil conditions and can help regenerate the soil's fertility.
  1. Bamboo is biodegradable and 100% compostable in 2-6 months.
  1. Bamboo can act as a replacement for timber which as a result reduces the terrible deforestation happening all over the world.


As you can see bamboo is the ULTIMATE choice which makes it perfect to be the star material for the Ultimate Underwear Club!

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